"IZMIR JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM)", which continues its publication life within Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, is a refereed, open access, online scientific journal scanned by Index Copernicus International (ICI) Journals Master List, continues its efforts to be included in national and international indexes, and aims to publish articles in Turkish and English twice a year, in July and December.
The journal is open to original quantitative/qualitative empirical and systematic literature review articles in the fields of human resources management, organizational behavior, strategic management, organizational theories, labor economics and industrial relations, marketing, finance, accounting, information technologies and systems, entrepreneurship, sustainability, innovation and international business. In addition, interdisciplinary articles related to the above fields are also included in the evaluation process.
1.1. General Duties
• Articles submitted to the journal may be written in Turkish or English (both "British" and "American" spellings are acceptable, provided they are used consistently).
• It is a prerequisite for submitting an article that the article has not yet been published and is not currently under review by another journal.
• All submissions must be within the bounds of scholarly research and spelling rules.
• When naming the file that is uploaded to the system, authors must be careful not to use spaces between words and punctuation and not to choose long titles.
• All author names must be included on the first page of the manuscript and must not be changed or asked to be changed.
1.2. Evaluation Process and Publication Policy
• The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that are not original, not in keeping with the aim and scope of the journal, and not written in accordance with the spelling rules for articles.
• All papers sent to Izmir Management Journal will be evaluated by the editors for scope, originality and contribution to the literature.
• Papers that are appropriate for the purpose and scope of Izmir Management Journal will be sent to at least two reviewers, who will evaluate them in a double-blind process.
• The editors may return the articles for revision or rank the articles according to the journal's spelling rules. The editorial board is responsible for making the final decision on whether or not to publish the articles. Responsibility for failure to comply with this notice rests with the author(s). In case of non-compliance with the rules, Journal Publication Commission reserves the right not to publish the article in question, although the evaluations of the reviewers will significantly influence the decision on publication.
• If the article is accepted, the extended English abstract must be uploaded to the system as a final step.
1.3. Ethical Principles and Conflict of Interest
• Authors are responsible for academic honesty and publication ethics. Authors are advised to read the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policies" of Izmir Management Journal. If necessary, it is recommended that ethics committee approvals and conflict of interest statements be included as an additional file with the initial submission.
• For papers requiring editorial board approval, the institution and date of ethical approval should be included in the footnote to the article title. For studies involving human subjects, researchers must obtain informed consent from participants for the proposed use. The required statement that participants have been informed of the details of the study should be included in the method section of the text.
1.4. Aim and Scope
• Authors must be sure that they have read the aim and scope of the journal before submitting their work to Izmir Management Journal.
1.5. Article Submission Fee and Copyright
• There is no application and evaluation fee for the articles.
• Authors who submit articles to Izmir Management Journal transfer the copyright of their work free of charge.
1.6. Open Access Policy
• Izmir Management Journal provides open access because it follows the principle that scientific research is made available to humanity free of charge, and this principle promotes the global exchange of knowledge. Moreover, on the condition that the articles published in the journal are cited in accordance with scientific ethics and rules, they can be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred as data in software, and used for any lawful purpose, without financial, legal, and technical barriers over the Internet. Written permission from the journal is required for commercial use of the content. All studies published in our journal are permanently accessible free of charge in the archive of our journal (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/iyd/archive) with all appendices.
Files to be uploaded:
• Full text of the article (information that refers to the authors by name and institution may not be included in the article. Information, for example, from dissertations presented at the congress or symposium, should not be included in the article at the first submission, but should be submitted as a footnote on the "author information page"). CLICK HERE CLICK HERE FOR IZMIR MANAGEMENT JOURNAL FULL TEXT TEMPLATE.
• Author Information Page - Cover Letter (name, surname, institution, e-mail, address, ORCID no) CLICK HERE FOR IZMIR MANAGEMENT JOURNAL AUTHOR INFORMATION PAGE - COVER ARTICLE TEMPLATE.
• Similarity Report (Turnitin/iThenticate/intihal.net software may be used. Articles with a similarity rate greater than 20% (including references and citations) or greater than 3% similarity from a single source will not be considered.) (If you do not have access to these programs, please send them as a note to the editor during your submission).
• English Extended Abstract (if article is accepted - maximum 1500 words) CLICK HERE FOR THE EXTENDED ABSTRACT TEMPLATE OF İZMİR MANAGEMENT JOURNAL.
Titling the File
• When titling the file uploaded to the system, authors must be careful not to use spaces between words, punctuation marks, and choose long titles.
• The submitted article file should not be named in such a way that it bears your name or makes you think of your name.
3. Spelling Rules
Page Limit
• Articles must not exceed 20 pages, including abstract and bibliography.
Structure of Page
• Top:3cm, bottom:2.5cm, left:1.5cm, right:1.5cm, header:2cm, footer:2cm (header:1 cm, footer:2 cm on the cover page)
General View
• A two-column structure should be chosen for the main body of the article, starting with the first title. Tables, figures, and formulas should be placed so that they fit in the columns. Tables, figures, and formulas that do not fit in the column can be displayed in a single column.
• If the study is presented as a reference or is derived from the dissertation, it should be indicated with an "*" sign as a footnote at the end of the article title on the author information page.
Footnote Information
• Author information must be numbered in the order of the author. Title, institution information, e-mail address and ORCID number must be included.
• "Cambria" font in 12p must be used throughout the article.
Title of the Article
• The first letters should be capitalized, the rest should be lowercase.
Author’s Names
• If there is more than one author's name, the names should be written side by side, a comma should be placed between the names, the first letter of the name should be capitalized, the others should be lowercase, all letters of the last name should be capitalized.
• The summary should not exceed 250 words.
Key Words
• The first letters should be capitalized, at least three keywords should be included if necessary, all abbreviations should be capitalized.
JEL Code
• At least three JEL codes should be included.
• Indentions should not be used.
Title of the Text
• Titles and subtitles must be short and clear. Titles must be numbered, beginning with the introduction, and including the conclusion.
• All letters beginning with 1. must be capitalized.
• For titles beginning with 1.1 or for subtitles, the first letters must be capitalized and the others lowercase.
• Formulas and equations must be written using the equation editor. All equations should be given a sequence number. Formulas and equations must be written flush left. The sequence number must be in parentheses and on the far right of the line, in line with other equation numbers.
Title of the Table
• The title should be at the top of the table. The first letters should be written in capital letters, the other letters should be written in lower case, and tables should be numbered.
• Tables should be placed in one piece, in a single column, or on a single page. For tables that do not fit in a single column or on a single page, comment lines such as the first line should be recreated to ensure table readability for tables that overflow to the other page. Also, the text size can be reduced to be readable if needed.
Text of the Table Source
• It must be written at the bottom of the table.
Figure Title
• All graphs, maps and photographs except tables should be titled as figures. The title should be written below the graph, the first letters should be written in upper case, the others in lower case, tables should be numbered.
Text of Figure Source
• The source must be indicated at the bottom of the figure.
Source Citations
• References should be given in brackets in the text, not in footnotes. Explanatory notes should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the page. The bibliography should be in APA format and listed in alphabetical order. If the sources are electronic, information such as ISSN, ISBN or DOI can be added at the end of the source.
4. Reference Style (APA Style)
Journal Article: Single Author
Citation in text: (Şentürk, 2009)
• Şentürk, R. Açık medeniyet ve sosyal içerme. Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi, 6(21-22), 41-49.
Journal Article: 2 Authors
Citation in text: (Tonta and Ünal, 2005)
• Tonta, Y., & Ünal, Y. (2005). Scatter of journals and literature obsolescence reflected in document delivery requests. Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(1), 84-94.
Journal Article: 3 or more authors
Citation in text: (Kernis and et al., 1993)
• Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of personality and social psychology, 65(6), 1190.
Book: Single Authors
Citation in text: (Şentürk, 2014)
• Şentürk, R. (2020). Açık Medeniyet: Çok Medeniyetli Toplum ve Dünyaya Doğru,(6th edition). İstanbul, İz Yayıncılık.
Book: Two Authors
Citation in text: (Page and Stritzke, 2015)
• Page, A. C., & Stritzke, W. G. (2015). Clinical psychology for trainees. Cambridge University Press.
Book: 3 or more authors
Citation in text: (Ranzijn and et al., 2009)
• Ranzijn, R., McConnochie, K., & Nolan, W. (2009). Psychology and Indigenous Australians: Effective teaching and practice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Citation in text: (Polat and Erkollar, 2001)
• Polat, L., & Erkollar, A. (2020, September). Industry 4.0 vs. Society 5.0. In The International Symposium for Production Research (pp. 333-345). Springer, Cham.
Book Chapter
Citation in text: (Onan and Sennaroğlu, 2009)
• Onan, K., & Sennaroğlu, B. (2009). Comparative study of production control systems through simulation. N. Mastorakis, J. Sakellaris (Ed.), Advances in Numerical Methods (67-78. pp.). New York ; London: Springer.
Web Page
Citation in text: (TÜİK, 2016)
• TÜİK (2016, Kasım). İşgücü İstatistikleri [Basın bülteni]. Access address: https://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=24624
Unpublished Thesis
Citation in text: (Çetinkaya, 2015)
• Çetinkaya, Ş. (2015). Stochastic mortality using non – life methods (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Doğuş University Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul
Published Thesis
Citation in text: (May, 2007)
• May, B. (2007). A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Bristol, UK: Canopus Publishing.
*** In case the sources are electronic, information such as ISSN, ISBN or DOI can be added to the end of the source.
• Authors do not pay submission and review fees for their articles.
• Authors who submit articles to Izmir Management Journal have assigned the copyright of their work to the journal free of charge.
Before uploading your article to the system, make sure to use the templates and spelling rules. The referee process will not be started for the works that do not comply with the spelling rules.